Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

As a mother who goes to school full time, moments with my babies are fewer than I would like them to be. I feel like while I am home I am catching up on the cleaning, cooking, or homework that unfortunately seem never ending and all have to be done. Mike tries to help as much as possible but he works full time (from home) and keeps Sawyer during the day. So it feels like what little they see of Mommy she is running around. That brings the guilt. I think every parent feels guilt from time to time. Guilt they yelled a little too much, guilt they didn't get on the floor to play more, etc. I think that is what makes us such great parents. We care so much about our children's happiness that we feel guilty when we aren't perfect. Parenting is literally trial by fire. None of us knew what we were getting into and we have had to learn as we go. And we are our toughest critics.

Along with getting our bodies healthy, it is time to get our minds healthy too. I'm trying to seize more of the little moments. Let the house stuff wait. It will all be there tomorrow and my children will one day be grown. I'm trying to have more quality time with them instead of just quantity. Like earlier when they were attacking me with balloons and laughed so hard their faces turned red. Or listening (and writing down) the silly things Luke and Sawyer say or do.

So today we decided to have a fun valentine day shoot. Luke kept saying "Take a picture of me like this!" Sawyer wasn't as interested and yes I had to bribe him:) One day I will cherish these pictures I took the time to take.

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