Thursday, February 9, 2012

Why we are doing this.

Here is the deal. "Getting Healthy" is a broad and daunting task. It could be interpreted differently for different people. This is going to be our family's interpretation. I am starting this blog as a way to track our progress, I realize people aren't likely to take interest. But maybe it could help those who want to change their lives also. Changing your eating habits, outlook on exercise, and even changing your environment seems like a lot of work. And it is. But it is also doable. We have never been what you would call "health freaks". I believe there will be a nice balance in our household of being healthier but also indulging every now and then.

Let me start with why we decided to make a change in 2012. Their names are Luke and Sawyer. What we teach them now will be with them for the rest of their lives. If we teach them healthy habits they will be healthy adults. If we show them how great it is to stay active, they will always feel that way. If we are cautious about the chemicals in their environment we teach them to be educated consumers. We also want to be around a long time to see them become these amazing people we know they will be.

Here is an introduction to our family. My husband (Mike) and I have been married three years. Our oldest Luke, who turned three in October, is a miracle baby. He came into the world the hard way, spent some time in the NICU, and now you would never know. Luke is incredibly smart, full of energy, shy until you get to know him, and so funny. Sawyer, the baby, turns two in May. He is polar opposite of Luke although they look like twins. Sawyer is mischievous, a charmer, incredibly strong willed, and a goof ball. We also have Leo, our beloved Rottweiler, who doesn't fit the typical family dog image but we couldn't have found a better dog. I am currently going to school for nursing so that makes our project even more hard. But if we can do it anyone can.

We are committed. Maybe this blog will help hold us accountable. I know for sure it will be used as a place to vent. Here we go!

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